Boao Forum Annual Conference: Guests praised the Belt and Road construction
Seetao 2024-04-01 15:37
  • They affirmed the initiative's important contribution to infrastructure construction, trade and cultural exchanges
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In the spring season, the Boao Forum for Asia 2024 Annual Conference is held as scheduled, and the world's attention is once again focused on this dynamic land. As an important platform for economic exchanges and cooperation in Asia and even the world, the Boao Forum for Asia has attracted political and business leaders, experts and scholars from all over the world.

During the Boao Forum for Asia 2024 Annual Conference, a number of guests spoke highly of the achievements of the Belt and Road projects in an interview. They said the Belt and Road Initiative has brought tangible benefits to countries along the routes, boosting cooperation in infrastructure construction, trade exchanges and cultural exchanges. At the same time, these guests also expressed their hope to further strengthen cooperation with China in the future and jointly promote the construction of the Belt and Road to a higher level.

In addition, some participants also mentioned the positive role of the Belt and Road Initiative in global economic recovery and growth. They believe that under the current global economic situation, the Belt and Road Initiative provides important economic growth drivers and investment opportunities for countries. By participating in the construction of the Belt and Road, countries can enhance connectivity, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and inject new vitality into the recovery of the world economy.

Therefore, we should see the broad prospects and positive significance of the Belt and Road Initiative and actively promote the cooperation and exchanges between China and other countries in the world. Only through joint efforts can the goal of mutual benefit and win-win results be achieved and the Belt and Road Initiative become an important engine for global economic recovery and development. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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