The first China-Europe Express (Zhengzhou) Expo opened
Seetao 2024-06-07 14:30
  • The exhibition area of ​​the Expo is 10,000 square meters, attracting more than 100 merchants to participate
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On June 6, 2024, the first China-Europe Express (Zhengzhou) Expo opened at the Zhongyuan International Convention and Exhibition Center located in the Zhengzhou Airport Economic Comprehensive Experimental Zone, bringing together elite forces from the global logistics industry to discuss the development strategy of the China-Europe Express and promote the high-quality development of the China-Europe Express.

It is understood that the Expo is jointly sponsored by the Henan Logistics Association and the Euro-China International Exhibition (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd., with an exhibition area of 10,000 square meters. It has multiple sections such as the China-Europe Express Demonstration Project Construction City Achievement Exhibition Area, Overseas Exhibition Area, and Domestic Exhibition Area. It has attracted more than 100 domestic and foreign merchants to participate in the exhibition, displaying various commodities transported by the China-Europe Express, reflecting the indispensable role of the China-Europe Express in the global supply chain.

In ancient times, there were camel bells on the Silk Road, and now there are iron streams of China-Europe Express. The reporter learned from the Expo that on May 25, the cumulative number of China-Europe Express trains had exceeded 90,000. So far, the China-Europe Express has sent more than 8.7 million TEUs of goods with a value of more than US$380 billion, reaching 223 cities in 25 European countries and connecting more than 100 cities in 11 Asian countries.

The comprehensive operation evaluation indicators of the China-Europe Express (Zhongyu) remain at the forefront of the country. It has built an international logistics network of "21 overseas direct stations and 8 entry and exit ports", unblocking international logistics trunk channels in four directions, including Europe, Central Asia, ASEAN, Japan and South Korea. The domestic collection radius is 1,500 kilometers, and 80% of the goods come from outside the province. The overseas network covers more than 140 cities in 40 countries in Europe and Asia, and there are more than 6,000 domestic and foreign partners, which effectively plays the role of a strategic channel based in the Central Plains and serving the whole country.

In Zhengzhou Airport, the construction of Zhengzhou International Land Port has been accelerated. According to the plan, by 2025, the core area of the international land port will be built at a high level, with an annual capacity of 5,000 international trains and an annual capacity of 1 million commercial vehicles; by 2035, the scale of international trains will reach more than 12,000 trains per year, and a world-class international railway hub port with global influence will be built.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Land Port Branch of the China Development Zone Association, the expo will last for 3 days and is expected to attract more than 10,000 professional visitors. It will also hold a number of parallel forums and activities such as the "China Land Port High-Quality Development Forum", "2024 International Railway and Multimodal Transport Summit Forum", and "Asia-Europe Cold Chain Train Forum", focusing on the hot issues of the development of China-Europe trains, sharing successful cases, and jointly discussing how to further improve the service quality of China-Europe trains, reduce logistics costs, and improve transportation efficiency.

Gather in the Central Plains and expand the world. Since the opening of the Zhongyuan International Convention and Exhibition Center on October 27, 2024, it has successively held many events and exhibitions such as the 2023 World Robot Competition Championship (Zhengzhou), and will also hold the 3rd National Skills Competition in September 2025. It is becoming a new exhibition center based in the Central Plains and facing the world.Editor/Zhao E


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