Hebei Cultural Tourism Economic and Trade Exchange Ceremony
Seetao 2024-05-06 10:44
  • This further promoted cultural exchange and understanding between China and Egypt
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Recently, a cultural and tourism economic and trade exchange promotion event meticulously planned by the Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism was held in Cairo. The theme of this event is Beautiful Hebei, aiming to comprehensively showcase Hebei's profound historical and cultural heritage, rich cultural and tourism resources, and strong development momentum, while building an important bridge between Hebei Province and Egypt in cultural exchange and economic and trade cooperation. The event attracted more than 400 leaders from government departments such as the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Relics, the Suez Canal Economic Zone Management Bureau, as well as representatives from local cultural and tourism institutions, cultural and tourism enterprises, and economic and trade enterprises.

Tourism is an important bridge for spreading civilization, exchanging culture, and enhancing friendship. China and Egypt are both ancient civilizations with a long history and splendid culture. The two countries have a long-standing friendly relationship and are important tourist markets and destinations for each other. Although China and Egypt are thousands of miles apart and have vastly different natural scenery and folk customs, the huge differences also contain profound cultural and tourism market cooperation potential.

At the recent Hebei Cultural and Tourism Economic and Trade Exchange and Promotion Event held in Cairo, Egypt, Zhang Cai, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, officially presented the plaque to Li Chaohui, President of the Hebei Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, marking the official establishment of the Hebei Cultural and Tourism Promotion Center established through cooperation between the two regions. During the event, representatives of Egyptian companies expressed strong interest in Hebei's cultural and tourism resources, and looked forward to the opportunity to lead more friends to China and experience the unique charm of Hebei firsthand. The establishment of the Hebei Cultural and Tourism Promotion Center will further promote exchanges and cooperation between China and Egypt in the fields of culture and tourism, injecting new vitality into the development of the cultural and tourism industries of both sides.

In order to further educate the Egyptian people about Hebei, especially its long history, splendid culture, and distinctive tourism products, a Hebei cultural and tourism themed promotional video was played at the event site, and an immersive and exciting promotion of Hebei cultural and tourism resource products was conducted. The promotion activity is carried out in the form of a deep integration of culture and tourism. Led by Wang Rongli, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the event combines Hebei's long history, splendid culture, magnificent mountains and rivers, and presents a wonderful visual feast with exquisite Hebei literary and artistic works such as palace dance, Hebei bangzi, Wuqiao acrobatics, magic, and Tai Chi. Keywords: overseas engineering, international engineering construction, foreign engineering construction news.

During the event, the Beautiful Hebei Picture Exhibition and the Yan Zhao Craftsmanship Fine Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition were simultaneously held at the venue, focusing on showcasing Hebei's historical and cultural heritage, world heritage, natural scenery, and colorful folk customs. This attracted many attendees to stop and watch, arousing a strong interest in the Egyptian tourism industry and greatly mobilizing the attention and enthusiasm of local travelers and media to participate. Hengshui Neihua, Yuxian Paper Cuttings, cloisonne, Hou's brush and other inheritors of intangible cultural heritage participated in the exhibition and received unanimous praise from the audience, laying a good foundation for Hebei intangible cultural heritage products to enter the Egyptian market. At the same time, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hebei Province has prepared paper and electronic versions of tourism promotional materials for the Egyptian market in advance, and has widely distributed them among tourism agencies stationed in Egypt to increase publicity efforts. (This article is from the official website of Jiandao: www.seetao. com. Reproduction without permission is not allowed, otherwise it will be punished. Please indicate Jiandao's website and the original link when reprinting.) Jiandao's mechanical column editor/Zhou Yingwen


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