Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, ushered in the age of urban rail!
Seetao 2024-05-30 15:57
  • The opening will greatly alleviate the traffic congestion in the capital and improve the travel efficiency and comfort of citizens
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Under the warm sunshine of the African land, on May 29, local time, Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, ushered in a historic moment - Abuja Metro Phase I officially opened commercial operations, which marks a new chapter in the development of transportation in Nigeria.

Abuja City Rail Phase I, a landmark project, was undertaken by China Civil Engineering Corporation, a subsidiary of China Railway Construction. The entire line adopts China's advanced railway technical standards, which not only reaches the international leading level in construction quality, but also achieves comprehensive improvement in operational efficiency, safety and passenger comfort. The completion of this railway has not only effectively eased the traffic congestion in the capital of Africa's largest economy, but also injected new vitality into the development of urban transport in Nigeria.

The opening of the Abuja metro is of great significance to Nigeria. It is not only an important part of the urban transportation system, but also a key part of the three-dimensional connectivity system of "trunk railway + urban light rail + urban aviation + urban public transport" in Nigeria. The construction of this system will enable Nigeria's land and air traffic to achieve deep integration, one open space, interconnection, and greatly improve the overall traffic efficiency of the city.

From a more macro perspective, the completion of the Abuja metro is another example of cooperation between China and Nepal in the field of infrastructure construction. It embodies the strong strength and excellent quality of Chinese enterprises in the international market, and also demonstrates the deep cooperation and friendship between China and Nepal in the field of transportation construction.

With the official operation of the Abuja Metro, Nigeria's urban transport development has taken an important step forward. In the future, we look forward to seeing more such cooperation projects take root in Nigeria and across Africa, bringing more prosperity and development to this ancient and dynamic land. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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