Seiko Steel Structure Signed Contract for Saudi Dammam Stadium Project
Seetao 2024-06-06 11:32
  • This time, Jinggong Steel Structure Group has won new honors and reputation in the international construction market
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Including internationally renowned construction giants BESIX Group from Belgium and AI Bawani Group from Saudi Arabia, the joint project is the steel structure professional contracting business of the highly anticipated Dammam Stadium project in Saudi Arabia. The signing amount is about 844 million yuan, which not only reflects the huge scale of the project, but also demonstrates the strong strength and extensive influence of Jinggong Steel Structure Group in the international construction field.

The renewed collaboration between Seiko International and BESIX Group in Belgium undoubtedly deepens the cooperation between the two sides. Previously, their successful cooperation in the Christchurch Stadium project in New Zealand has accumulated valuable experience for both parties. The signing of the Dammam Stadium project in Saudi Arabia has further elevated the cooperation between the two sides. This is not only a full recognition of Jinggong International's technical strength and construction ability in the field of steel structures, but also a firm trust of BESIX Group in Jinggong International's competitiveness and reputation in the international market.

At the same time, the renewed cooperation between Seiko International and Saudi AI Bawani Group also reflects the deep foundation and good relationship between the two sides in the Saudi market. Previously, their tacit cooperation in the Riyadh Wealth Building project in Saudi Arabia has established a good reputation for both parties. The signing of the Dammam Stadium project in Saudi Arabia has pushed the cooperation between the two sides to a new stage. This is not only a recognition of Seiko International's continued deep cultivation and expansion in the Saudi Arabian market, but also an optimistic expectation of AI Bawani Group for Seiko International's development prospects in the Saudi Arabian market. (This article is from the official website of Jiandao: www.seetao. com. Reproduction without permission is not allowed, otherwise it will be punished. Please indicate Jiandao's website and the original link when reprinting.) Jiandao's mechanical column editor/Zhou Yingwen


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