New progress has been made in a number of major projects in China
Seetao 2024-06-06 15:06
  • The construction of these projects will further improve the level of China's infrastructure
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Under the background of the current global energy structure transformation, China is actively promoting the development of clean energy and accelerating the green transformation of energy structure. China's energy sector reached a notable milestone last week. China's largest single capacity of desert photovoltaic project successfully connected to the grid, this feat not only highlights China's outstanding strength in the field of renewable energy technology, but also to promote China's green energy development into a strong impetus.

This photovoltaic project located in the vast desert, with its huge single capacity, converts solar energy into clean electricity, contributing to the transformation and upgrading of China's energy structure. According to experts' estimates, after the project is put into operation, it will be able to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 6 million tons per year, which is of great significance for tackling global climate change and achieving carbon neutrality.

At the same time, in the western plateau region, China's highest AC UHV project under construction has also made important progress. The project spans over 4500 meters above sea level in Yiduo Mountain, Sichuan Province, and has successfully completed the erection work, laying a solid foundation for the next step of operation. The construction of this project will not only greatly improve the power transmission capacity of western China, but also provide a solid energy guarantee for local economic and social development.

Recently, China is stepping up the construction of a number of major projects, covering energy, transportation, water conservancy and other fields. The completion and operation of these projects will give a strong boost to the high-quality development of the Chinese economy and provide strong support for building a new development pattern.

It is worth mentioning that in the construction process of these major projects, not only pay attention to technological innovation and quality control, but also attach great importance to ecological protection and sustainable development. By adopting advanced environmental protection technology and green construction methods, we strive to reduce the impact on the environment and ensure the sustainable development of project construction.

Looking ahead, China will continue to increase investment in energy, transportation, water conservancy and other fields, and promote the construction and operation of a number of major projects. The construction of these projects will further improve the level of China's infrastructure, enhance the internal driving force of economic development, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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