Road projects undertaken by Chinese enterprises drive development
Seetao 2024-06-07 16:53
  • This project has promoted the development of the local economy and improved people's livelihoods
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In recent years, Chinese enterprises have achieved significant results in the field of infrastructure construction in Cambodia. Especially in terms of road construction, the projects undertaken by Chinese enterprises not only improve the transportation efficiency of Cambodia, but also greatly promote the development of the southern region of the capital Phnom Penh.

The South Section of the Third Ring Road in Phnom Penh: This project was constructed by Shanghai Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. Since its official opening in August last year, it has effectively alleviated the traffic pressure in Phnom Penh. At the same time, the completion of the project has also improved the lives of residents along the route, injecting new vitality into the local economic development. National Highway No. 3 Reconstruction and Expansion Project: The project, undertaken by China Road and Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd., shortens the travel time from Phnom Penh to Gongbu and Baima from nearly 5 hours to 2.5 hours, greatly improving traffic efficiency. The completion of this project not only strengthened the connection between Phnom Penh and other regions, but also provided strong support for local economic development.

At present, Cambodia has over 10000 kilometers of main roads and 20 large river crossing bridges, of which over 3000 kilometers of main roads and 8 river crossing bridges are built by Chinese enterprises. This number fully demonstrates the contribution of Chinese enterprises in the field of road construction in Cambodia.

This project not only improves the transportation situation in Cambodia, but also promotes the development of the local economy. Taking the southern section of the third ring road project in Phnom Penh as an example, the completion of the project not only alleviated traffic pressure, but also promoted commercial prosperity and improved living standards of residents along the route. Keywords: the Belt and Road news, the Belt and Road project, overseas project.

The achievements of Chinese enterprises in the field of road construction in Cambodia not only reflect their strength and responsibility, but also promote friendly cooperation between China and Cambodia. In the future, with more Chinese enterprises participating in Cambodia's infrastructure construction, we believe that cooperation between China and Cambodia will become closer, jointly promoting the development and prosperity of the two countries' economies. (This article is from the official website of Jiandao: www.seetao. com. Reproduction without permission is not allowed, otherwise it will be punished. Please indicate Jiandao's website and the original link when reprinting.) Jiandao's mechanical column editor/Zhou Yingwen


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