Guangzhou Port Terminal Phased Project Handover Acceptance
Seetao 2024-06-11 10:22
  • The project officially started construction in April 2022. The project covers an area of ​​335 acres
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Recently, the first phase of the first phase of the water conservancy and civil engineering and road yard engineering of the Baitu Operation Area of the Beijiang Port Area of Shaoguan Port successfully passed the handover acceptance, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent completion acceptance of the project. After the project is put into operation, it will give full play to the port hub function, accelerate the deepening of interconnection between Shaoguan and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and other port cities in the country, promote Shaoguan to integrate into the world-class port group of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and realize regional industrial circulation, market circulation and economic and social circulation.

The acceptance team is led by the responsible department of the Shaoguan Municipal Transportation Bureau and the responsible department of the Qujiang District Transportation Bureau. The acceptance team inspected the on-site engineering entity, carefully reviewed the archival materials, and listened in detail to the project situation reports of the construction, construction, supervision, design and other units. After discussion, it is believed that the construction unit of the project has basically completed all the construction content, the construction content of the project has reached the use function, the quality assurance materials are basically complete and complete, and the project quality meets the design requirements. It is unanimously agreed to pass the handover acceptance.

During the construction of the hydraulic and civil engineering project, the characteristics of the multi-karst landforms in Shaoguan were fully considered, and a gravity dock structure was adopted to effectively avoid the risks of high-pile docks in foundation construction. At the same time, the project also innovatively adopted the single gravity caisson commonly used in coastal ports, which was cast and installed once, and divided into three small blocks ABC for prefabrication and installation respectively, successfully solving the problem of limited local heavy crane ships and other equipment.

It is understood that the first phase of the Baitu Operation Area Project in the Beijiang Port Area of Shaoguan Port officially started construction in April 2022. The project covers an area of 335 acres, with a shoreline length of 615 meters. 8 thousand-ton berths have been built. It is the inland port with the largest number of berths built at one time in Guangdong Province in recent years.Editor/Zhao E


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