Wind power
Guizhou 250MW wind power project approved!
Seetao 2024-06-11 11:39
  • The project will improve the local infrastructure, provide a reliable power supply and improve the living conditions of residents
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On June 9, 2024, the Southwest Division of State Power Investment Group Shaanxi Company in Guizhou province three wind power projects, Huishui County Yashui wind power project, Mengjiang Street wind power project and good bonus wind power project, successfully obtained the approval of the Guizhou Provincial Energy Bureau.

Yashui, Mengjiang Street and Haohuahong Wind power projects, located in Yashui Town, Huishui County, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, have recently been successfully approved by the Guizhou Provincial Energy Bureau, and their construction scale will reach 250MW. The project plans to install 50 wind turbines with a capacity of 5.0MW and jointly build a 220 kV booster station.

Once completed, the wind power project will be able to meet the electricity needs of about 100,000 households in the capital city of Guizhou, which has significant significance in promoting the optimization of Huishui County's energy structure and reducing carbon emissions. At the same time, the project is also expected to attract more foreign investment, drive the development of local tourism, promote rural revitalization, and make an important contribution to the economic prosperity of the region.Editor/Zhang Liyuan


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