Chinese projects ignite development engines south of Cambodia's capital
Seetao 2024-06-11 14:57
  • The opening of the new line has significantly alleviated Phnom Penh's chronic traffic congestion problem
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With the deepening of the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Cambodia have increasingly close cooperation in the field of infrastructure construction. Since August last year, Shanghai Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. has been working hard to build the southern section of the Third Ring Road in Phnom Penh City, the capital of Cambodia, since it was officially put into operation, its far-reaching impact has gone beyond the simple field of transportation, bringing tremendous changes to Phnom Penh City.

The opening of this new line has, first of all, significantly relieved the traffic pressure faced by Phnom Penh City for a long time. Phnom Penh city, as the political, economic and cultural center of Cambodia, has a huge traffic flow, and the problem of road congestion has always been a problem that troubles citizens and tourists. The completion of the southern section of the Third Ring Line not only provides more travel options for the public, but also effectively diverts the traffic flow of the city's main road and greatly improves traffic efficiency.

In addition to significant improvements in transportation, the construction of the southern section of the Third Ring Line has greatly improved the quality of life of residents along the line. The green belt on both sides of the road provides residents with fresh air and a beautiful environment, making their daily life more comfortable and pleasant. At the same time, the opening of the new line has also driven the economic development of the surrounding area, creating more job opportunities and entrepreneurial space for local residents.

It is worth mentioning that in the process of project construction, Shanghai Construction Engineering Group not only pays attention to project quality and progress, but also attaches more importance to environmental protection and sustainable development. They used a range of advanced environmental technologies and construction methods to ensure that the project's impact on the environment was minimized. This responsible attitude and professional spirit have won high praise and praise from the Cambodian government and people.

In short, the completion of this highway is not only a traffic project, but also a popular project. It has greatly improved Phnom Penh's traffic situation, improved the quality of life of residents, and injected new vitality into the sustainable development of the city. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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