China Enterprise Urban Rail Project Embarks
Seetao 2024-06-11 16:50
  • The operation of the Abuja Metro will help the capital build a three-dimensional connectivity system, including trunk railways
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The Abuja Metro, constructed by Chinese companies, held a commercial operation launch ceremony at the end of May. Mustafa Bello, a student at the University of Abuja, said that due to this rail transit, he has new expectations for the future and hopes that the urban rail can be extended to the suburbs where he lives. "This is a wonderful journey. I hope that the urban rail will not only alleviate daily commuting difficulties, but also help improve the overall economic and social well-being of the capital."

The Abuja Urban Rail Phase I project is the first urban rail transit system introduced in the Nigerian capital, and this milestone project was carefully constructed by China Civil Engineering Nigeria Co., Ltd. The main function of this route is to connect the city center of Abuja with multiple important transportation hubs, including Capital International Airport, Nigeria National Railway Aka Line, and Kubuwa Satellite City. It is approximately 45 kilometers long and has 12 stations along the way. This project adopts advanced railway technology standards from China for construction, and is expected to have an annual transportation capacity of 5 million people, bringing revolutionary changes to the transportation of the Nigerian capital.

Guo Chen, General Manager of the Operation Business Department of CSCEC Nigeria Co., Ltd., said that the construction of the Abuja urban railway project was started on January 7, 2013, and the temporary operation began in 2018, and then the operation was suspended due to the COVID-19. Before resuming operation this time, the Abuja Metro underwent upgrades and renovations, fully operating high-speed trains produced in China. "The high-speed train is designed specifically for the high temperature, heavy rainfall, and sandstorms in Abuja, fully considering the local power shortage situation while meeting practical needs in terms of practicality, economy, and comfort." Guo Chen said that the official operation of Chinese produced high-speed trains in the first phase of the Abuja urban railway is a perfect combination of Chinese construction and Chinese manufacturing.

At the launch ceremony of the commercial operation of the Abuja Metro, Nigerian President Tenub solemnly announced that in order to encourage citizens to widely adopt this innovative mode of transportation and alleviate their economic pressure, the Abuja Metro will implement a free operation policy by the end of 2024. President Tenub emphasized that the smooth operation of the Abuja Metro not only demonstrates the close cooperation and selfless dedication of various departments within Nigeria, but also affirms technological progress and forward-looking planning. Keywords: the Belt and Road news, the Belt and Road project, overseas project.

Zhang Zhichen, Executive Director of China Civil Engineering Nigeria Limited, stated that the comprehensive operation of the Abuja Metro will have a profound impact on the transportation conditions of the Nigerian capital. It will significantly reduce the traffic congestion pressure in the capital, making commuting smoother for citizens and significantly reducing commuting costs. In addition, the Abuja Metro will inject new vitality into the economic development of the capital region and promote its economic prosperity. The successful implementation of this project will contribute to the construction of a three-dimensional connectivity system in the capital, including trunk railways, urban light rail, urban aviation, and urban public transportation, further enhancing the transportation convenience and connectivity of the capital. (This article is from the official website of Jiandao: www.seetao. com. Reproduction without permission is not allowed, otherwise it will be punished. Please indicate Jiandao's website and the original link when reprinting.) Jiandao's mechanical column editor/Zhou Yingwen


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