China's first Silk Road maritime e-commerce exports 1.45 million pieces of goods
Seetao 2024-06-11 17:34
  • Through the Silk Road Maritime E-commerce Express, high-quality goods from China can enter the Philippine market more quickly
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With the deepening development of globalization and the rapid rise of e-commerce, an e-commerce express line called Silk Road Shipping quietly emerged between Xiamen Port and Manila Port in the Philippines, becoming a new bridge connecting the two countries' trade. This route not only symbolizes the modern revival of the ancient Silk Road, but also marks a new chapter in cross-border e-commerce cooperation between China and the Philippines.

According to the latest statistical data from Xiamen Customs, since the opening of the Silk Road Maritime E-commerce Express for two years, its container throughput has exceeded 50000 TEUs. Behind this figure is the rapid circulation and efficient distribution of countless cross-border e-commerce goods. Among them, the export of cross-border e-commerce goods reached 1.45 million pieces, with a staggering total value of 11.3 billion yuan. These products come in a wide variety, with over 1900 types, covering almost every aspect of people's daily lives, from practical luggage, shoes and clothing, daily necessities, to fitness equipment, etc.

The achievement of this achievement is not only due to the efficient operation of the Silk Road Maritime E-commerce Express, but also inseparable from the joint efforts of the governments and enterprises of China and the Philippines. By optimizing route planning, improving logistics efficiency, and strengthening customs cooperation, this route has successfully built a stable and reliable trade platform for enterprises in both countries. At the same time, the governments of both countries have actively introduced relevant policies, providing strong support for the development of cross-border e-commerce. Keywords: engineering construction, engineering news, engineering construction information.

The opening of the Silk Road Maritime E-commerce Express not only broadens sales channels in overseas markets, but also enhances brand awareness and competitiveness. Through this route, high-quality Chinese products can enter the Philippine market more quickly and meet the diverse needs of local consumers. At the same time, this also provides more business opportunities and development space for Chinese enterprises. These products are not only affordable and of good quality, but also have a wide variety and diverse choices. Through this route, Filipino consumers can enjoy a more diverse shopping experience and a higher quality of life. The Silk Road Maritime E-commerce Express will continue to play an important role in cross-border e-commerce, injecting new vitality into the development of trade between the two countries. (This article is from the official website of Jiandao: www.seetao. com. Reproduction without permission is not allowed, otherwise it will be punished. Please indicate Jiandao's website and the original link when reprinting.) Jiandao's mechanical column editor/Zhou Yingwen


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