Launching Ceremony of the Secretariat of the China Central Asia Mechanism
Seetao 2024-04-01 15:25
  • The launch of the Secretariat is an important measure for China to promote the the Belt and Road Initiative
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On the morning of March 30, 2024, the launch ceremony of the Secretariat of the China Central Asia Mechanism was grandly held at the venue in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Wang Yi, member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as foreign ministers or senior officials from five Central Asian countries including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, expressed their warm congratulations on the launch of this important institution through congratulatory letters.

Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Sun Weidong, Shaanxi Provincial Party Secretary Zhao Yide, and Kazakhstani Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Bakayev also attended the scene to witness this historic moment together. In addition, the ambassadors of the five Central Asian countries to China and the executive director of the Secretariat of the China Central Asia Mechanism, Wu Yingqin, also attended the launch ceremony to celebrate the opening of this new chapter of cooperation.

In his congratulatory letter, Wang Yi extended warm congratulations on behalf of the Chinese government on the launch and operation of the Secretariat of the China Central Asia Mechanism. He emphasized that four years ago, the China Central Asia mechanism emerged like a spring breeze, building a new bridge for cooperation among the six countries. Over the past four years, this mechanism has been constantly improving, demonstrating strong vitality and broad prospects, like a galloping horse with fast hooves and steady steps. Under the promotion of the mechanism, cooperation between China and Central Asian countries is like a convergence of rivers, developing rapidly and presenting a good momentum of comprehensive promotion. Remarkable achievements have been made in fields such as economy and trade, culture, and education, bringing tangible benefits to the people of the six countries. Now, the launch of the Secretariat signifies that the consensus of the heads of state has been turned into reality and taken root. This not only once again demonstrates to the international community the firm determination of the six countries to work together and seek development, but also injects new impetus into future cooperation.

The foreign ministers of the five Central Asian countries stated in a congratulatory letter that the establishment of the China Central Asia mechanism is a wise and visionary decision made by the heads of state of the six countries, providing an important platform for Central Asian countries to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation with China. The first China Central Asia Summit is a milestone in the history of bilateral relations, and the establishment of a mechanism secretariat is one of the most important achievements of the summit. All parties have high hopes for the Secretariat and will fully support its work. They look forward to the establishment of the Secretariat injecting new momentum into cooperation between Central Asian countries and China.

Sun Weidong emphasized in his speech that in less than a year, China and all parties in Central Asia quickly transformed the consensus of establishing a secretariat into practical action, which fully demonstrates the efficiency and pragmatism of the China Central Asia mechanism. As an important component of this mechanism, the Secretariat's core responsibility is to promote the implementation of the consensus and results reached at the summit, provide strong support for the upcoming summit, and serve the Foreign Ministers' Meeting and its key areas of cooperation mechanism. He looks forward to the Secretariat actively fulfilling its responsibilities, meticulously ensuring various service guarantees, and truly becoming a capable assistant of the China Central Asia mechanism.

Zhao Yide solemnly stated in his speech that Shaanxi will unwaveringly support, serve, and safeguard the work of the Secretariat of the China Central Asia Mechanism. This is not only Shaanxi's responsibility, but also a positive measure to promote international cooperation and common development. Shaanxi Province will further strengthen communication and coordination with the Secretariat, providing strong support and favorable conditions for it to fulfill its functions and play its role. At the same time, Shaanxi Province will take the Secretariat as an important cooperation window, more deeply participate in the overall pattern of jointly building the the Belt and Road, share new opportunities for high-level open cooperation with all parties, and constantly expand the breadth and depth of cooperation. Zhao Yide emphasized that Shaanxi Province will actively contribute its efforts and make greater contributions to building a closer China Central Asia community with a shared future.

In his speech, Wu Yingqin expressed his importance to the cooperation needs of all parties and the work of the Secretariat, and emphasized the importance of establishing regulations, implementing summit outcomes and important consensus of the heads of state, serving the China Asia Summit and the Foreign Ministers' Meeting, and promoting cooperation in key areas. This indicates that he will be committed to continuously achieving new results in China's Central Asian cooperation. Keywords: the Belt and Road news, the Belt and Road project, overseas project.

After speeches from all parties, representatives of the six countries jointly cut the ribbon and unveiled the plaque for the Secretariat of the China Central Asia Mechanism, announcing the launch of the Secretariat's operation. (This article is from the official website of Jiandao: www.seetao. com. Reproduction without permission is not allowed, otherwise it will be punished. Please indicate Jiandao's website and the original link when reprinting.) Jiandao's mechanical column editor/Zhou Yingwen


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