Southeast Asia
China-laos Railway: Connecting friendship and opening a new era of development
Seetao 2024-06-11 15:31
  • The China-Laos railway has brought unprecedented development opportunities to the regions along the route
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As a shining pearl under China's Belt and Road Initiative, the construction process of China-Laos railway is full of challenges and determination. The railway runs through the most complicated terrain in southwest Yunnan of China and the mountain valleys of northern Laos, connecting Kunming, Yuxi, Xishuangbanna and other cities, allowing these places to have the convenience of railways for the first time, and ending the history of Laos without trains, opening a new chapter in the interconnection between the two countries.

British observer Toh was lucky enough to take the first train of the China-Laos railway and interviewed passengers on the train and residents of the cities along the line. He found that the railway is not only a communication line, but also a bond of friendship and a bridge for common development between the two peoples.

For the southwestern city of Yunnan, the opening of the China-Laos railway has brought unprecedented opportunities. Areas that had been restricted by difficult terrain and poor transportation are now enjoying new life. Specialty goods such as agricultural products and handicrafts can be shipped more quickly to domestic and foreign markets, attracting more tourists and investors. For Laos, the completion of this railway is even more significant. It not only ended the history of Laos without trains, but also gave the Lao people the opportunity to go abroad through the railway and learn about the outside world.

Passengers on the train said that the opening of the China-Laos railway has made their travel more convenient and comfortable. They no longer need to spend hours or even days on the road, but can easily sit on the train, enjoy the beauty along the way, and enjoy the fun of the journey. At the same time, they also look forward to more trains opening in the future, making their travel more convenient.

Urban residents along the line have also felt the changes brought about by the railway. They found that with the opening of the railway, the traffic situation in the city has been significantly improved, and people's quality of life has also been improved. More job opportunities and business opportunities also follow, making their lives better.

The completion of the China-Laos Railway is not only a result of the cooperation between China and Laos, but also a testimony of the friendship between the two peoples. It has connected the hearts of the Chinese and Laotian people and opened a new chapter of common development. In the future, with the continuous development and improvement of the China-Laos railway, it is believed that the lives of the two peoples will undergo better changes. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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