Tibet plans to implement 417 road transportation projects this year
Seetao 2024-04-08 11:35
  • Wuhan will vigorously develop non-fossil energy and actively promote the development and utilization of renewable energy
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On April 7, the People's Government of Wuhan, Hubei Province officially issued a notice on the issuance of Wuhan's carbon Peak implementation plan, which marks the city's solid steps in tackling climate change and promoting green and low-carbon development.

The circular clearly pointed out that Wuhan will vigorously develop non-fossil energy, and actively promote the development and utilization of solar, wind, hydrogen, geothermal energy, biomass and other forms of renewable energy. This will not only help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the dependence on fossil energy, but also inject new impetus into the sustainable development of the urban economy.

In the innovative development of "new energy + energy storage", Wuhan will actively explore new energy storage technologies to improve energy utilization efficiency. By 2025, the total installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation will reach 1 million kilowatts, and the comprehensive production capacity of renewable energy will reach 800,000 tons of standard coal, which will greatly promote the optimization and upgrading of Wuhan's energy structure.

In addition, Wuhan will also devote itself to the construction of a new power system and promote the construction of an integrated power grid of "source network, load and storage". By optimizing the allocation of power resources and increasing the proportion of electricity in the final energy consumption, Wuhan will strive to build a world-class urban power grid and provide a solid power guarantee for the economic development of the city.

In terms of smart grid construction, Wuhan will comprehensively promote relevant work, strengthen power demand side management, and expand the scale of new energy storage installations. This will help to improve the intelligence level of the power grid and improve the reliability and stability of the power supply. At the same time, by expanding the scale of "foreign electricity into Han" and "green electricity into Han", Wuhan will further strengthen the power interconnection with surrounding areas, and realize the sharing and optimal allocation of energy resources.

In the construction sector, Wuhan will promote the large-scale and diversified application of renewable energy. By promoting the integrated application of building solar energy, industrial waste heat utilization and other diversified ways, improve the level of building terminal electrification. By 2025, the renewable energy replacement rate of urban buildings will reach 8%, and the rooftop photovoltaic coverage of new public institution buildings and new factories will strive to reach 50%. The realization of this goal will effectively reduce carbon emissions in the construction sector and promote green and low-carbon urban development. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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