Sichuan water conservancy investment is expected to exceed 80 billion yuan
Seetao 2024-04-12 10:34
  • By 2024, 568 water conservancy projects supported by national bonds will be included, with a total investment of 71.8 billion yuan
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"It's spectacular! Not long ago, in Yibin City, Sichuan Province, held the province to accelerate the construction of water network project to ensure high-quality economic and social development of the site promotion meeting, the delegates stood on the top of the Xiangjiaba hydropower station dam overlooking the fence, issued bursts of admiration.

After the completion of the first phase of the North Trunk Canal project in Xiangjiaba Irrigation Area, Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station will become the head of the canal. After the project is officially opened to the water, it will benefit Yibin, Zigong, Neijiang, Luzhou 4 cities and 12 counties (cities and districts).

In 2023, Sichuan completed 68 billion yuan of water conservancy investment, and more than 1,800 water conservancy projects are under construction in the province, with a total investment scale of more than 150 billion yuan. How can Sichuan water investment reach a new high in 2024? What are the latest layout of Sichuan water conservancy construction?

Where is the increase this year?

Yinda Jimin Project strive to approve the feasibility study report and start construction before the end of June, the Sichuan section of the Yellow River main stream flood control, Bihe II, Guankou Reservoir and other projects strive to start this year, accelerate the construction of 47 projects in progress, including the Tingzikou Irrigation Area, and strive to complete the Hongyu Cave reservoir and irrigation area, Xiangjiaba North Main trunk Canal irrigation area, and Longtang Reservoir and irrigation area 3 major projects...

Spread out the "Task book" of Sichuan water conservancy construction in 2024, and large projects, large investments and large sums appear on the paper.

"At present, the number of water conservancy projects in Sichuan is unprecedented, the scale of investment is unprecedented, and it has entered the 'water conservancy project year' of planning projects, construction projects, acceptance projects and operation projects." Said Guo Hengxiao, director of Sichuan Provincial water Resources Department.

In 2024, Sichuan included 568 water conservancy projects supported by national debt, with a total investment of 71.8 billion yuan, and implemented national debt funds of 25.4 billion yuan.

"We will ensure that all the projects proposed in the Treasury bond project will be started by the end of June and all the Treasury bond projects will be completed by the end of December." The relevant person in charge of the planning and planning Department of the provincial Water Resources Department introduced that this will be a major increase in Sichuan water conservancy investment this year.

In addition, about 70 billion yuan is planned to be invested in the Yinda Jimin project to be started this year, which will channel water from the Dadu River into the Minjiang River and make the ancient Dujiangyan irrigation area "eternal youth", which can increase the irrigated area by 1.79 million mu and improve the irrigated area by 5.91 million mu, benefiting 36 million people.

"This year, the province's water conservancy investment will reach more than 80 billion yuan, and the total investment scale of water conservancy projects under construction is expected to reach nearly 300 billion yuan, a new record." Provincial water resources department relevant person in charge said.

What are the priorities of the promotion?

"This year, Sichuan will comprehensively set off a new climax of 'large-scale water conservancy, large-scale water conservancy, large-scale water conservancy', accelerate the high-quality construction of water network projects, and build and improve the modern water network system." The relevant person in charge of the provincial Water resources Department said that it is expected that by 2025, the framework layout of the province's water network will be basically formed and the development of water conservancy will be realized. By 2030, the overall structure of the backbone water network will be basically completed, and the ability to ensure water security will be comprehensively improved.

How to advance the long-term goals? What are the current priorities? Guo Hengxiao said that in addition to the "year of water conservancy projects", Sichuan has also identified this year as the "Year of water conservancy reform and innovation".

In terms of system and mechanism innovation, Sichuan will deepen the reform of property rights of water conservancy projects, the reform of agricultural water use rights, and the reform of water supply prices of water conservancy projects, stimulate endogenous impetus, and promote the efficient and efficient use of water resources and the effective management and protection of water conservancy projects.

The construction of large-scale water conservancy projects cannot be separated from the support of funds. The relevant person in charge of the planning and planning Department of the Sichuan Provincial Water Resources Department introduced that Sichuan will adhere to the "two hands" and raise funds through multiple channels. On the one hand, we will organize cities and counties to do their best to declare 2024 special bonds and ultra-long-term special national bonds, and actively strive for more water conservancy projects to be included in the scope of support; On the other hand, it will increase the cooperation between government, bank and enterprise, expand the scale of financial support for water conservancy credit funds, and encourage social capital to participate in water conservancy construction and operation.

In order to promote the construction of the project, Sichuan Provincial Water Resources Department has also led the establishment of a four-party cooperation mechanism of "1+3" water conservancy investment and financing, that is, the water resources Department builds a platform to coordinate the whole process of project initiation, financing, construction and operation of water conservancy projects. Relevant water conservancy investment enterprises and local governments reach cooperation opinions on the premise of law and compliance, and financial institutions provide financial guarantee for the project. Jointly promote the construction of water conservancy projects. Go to


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