Central enterprises
China Huaneng's installed capacity of new energy exceeded 80 million kilowatts
Seetao 2024-05-16 11:22
  • The company's total installed capacity of full-caliber power generation exceeded 250 million kilowatts, low carbon to 48.47%
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On May 15, it was learned that recently, China Huaneng Dashaba 150,000 kW agricultural light complementary power generation project full capacity connected to the grid, marking China Huaneng new energy installed capacity exceeded 80 million kW, so far, the company's total capacity of full-caliber power generation exceeded 250 million kW, low-carbon clean energy installed capacity accounted for 48.47%.

Huaneng Dashaba 150,000 kw agricultural light complementary power generation project is located in Baoshan, Yunnan Province, is one of the "central enterprises into Yunnan" projects. The power station adopts the agricultural and light complementary mode, and supports a new 220 kV boost station. After operation, it can provide more than 253 million KWH of clean electricity per year, which is equivalent to saving 78,100 tons of standard coal and reducing 210,500 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, with significant economic and ecological benefits.

Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", China Huaneng has continued to deepen reform, optimize the management system and mechanism, and take new steps in high-quality development, achieving an annual increase of 10 million kilowatts of installed capacity at the end of the "13th Five-Year Plan" to 10 million kilowatts of installed capacity every six months in the middle of the "14th Five-Year Plan". Since the beginning of this year, China Huaneng in last year's new energy installed capacity of 60 million, 70 million kilowatts of "double leap" based on the momentum to promote new energy installed capacity of more than 80 million kilowatts. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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