Central enterprises
China Railway 16th Bureau signed a contract with Huaneng New Energy
Seetao 2024-05-29 11:36
  • Through this signing, the two sides will deepen pragmatic cooperation in the investment and development of new energy projects
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On the afternoon of May 28, 2024, China Railway 16th Bureau and Huaneng New Energy Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement in Beijing. Wang Hongwei, general manager and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Railway 16th Bureau, held a discussion with Wang Lijun, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Huaneng New Energy Co., Ltd. and witnessed the signing. He Ming, chief accountant of Huaneng New Energy Co., Ltd., and Chu Yingkui, deputy general manager of China Railway 16th Bureau, attended the discussion and signed on behalf of both parties.

Wang Hongwei welcomed Wang Lijun and his party. He said that China Railway 16th Bureau is currently accelerating the transformation of traditional industries to strengthen the foundation, continuing to focus on the new energy and new infrastructure markets, and constantly exploring the development of green and low-carbon businesses. The two parties have complementary resource endowments and broad prospects for cooperation. They look forward to further improving the communication mechanism and strengthening information exchange through this signing, deepening pragmatic cooperation in the investment, development and construction of new energy projects, and jointly creating more demonstration projects.

Wang Lijun briefly introduced the basic situation of Huaneng New Energy Co., Ltd. He said that China Railway 16th Bureau is an important strategic partner of Huaneng New Energy Co., Ltd., and their business is closely related. The existing cooperation projects are the results of both parties seizing the development opportunities of new energy and effectively integrating advantageous resources. They are in line with the development strategies of both parties and the needs of national development. It is hoped that both parties will continue to accelerate the pace of cooperation, expand the effectiveness of cooperation, and achieve win-win development in cooperation.

The heads of Hebei Branch, Infrastructure Department, Procurement Department, Office, and Planning Department of Huaneng Renewable Energy Co., Ltd., and the heads of Office, Business Department, Investment and Development Department, Industrial Development Command, Electrification Company, and Fifth Company of China Railway 16th Bureau participated in the discussion.Editor/Zhao E


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