Energy storage
Three Gorges Group five pumped storage power stations under construction
Seetao 2024-06-06 15:26
  • The largest is Zhejiang Tiantai pumped storage power station, with a total investment of 10.7 billion yuan
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Recently, the Three Gorges Group announced a number of pumped storage power station construction in May with the latest progress, five power stations are located in Zhejiang, Hubei and Gansu, with a total scale of 7.1 million kilowatts and a total investment of more than 47.4 billion yuan. From the scale of a single project, the largest is Zhejiang Tiantai pumped storage power station, with a planned total installed capacity of 1.7 million kilowatts and a total investment of 10.7 billion yuan.

01 Zhejiang Tiantai pumped storage power station

On May 16, the seat ring volute of Unit 1 of the Tiantai pumped storage power station was successfully completed, and the installation stage of the embedded parts of the power station unit was about to be entered.

Zhejiang Tiantai pumped storage power Station is the national "14th Five-Year Plan" key project, is the world's highest rated water head pumped storage power station, a total investment of 10.741 billion yuan, the total installed capacity of 1.7 million kilowatts, the total construction period of 57 months, is expected to be in September 2026 all units put into operation to generate electricity. After completion, it is of great significance for optimizing the power supply structure, improving the safe and stable operation ability of the power grid, and realizing the goal of "double carbon".

02 Gansu Zhangye pumped storage power Station

On May 12, the excavation of the upper reservoir of the Zhangye pumped storage Power Station of the Three Gorges Group in Gansu Province was fully started, and the first unit of the power station will be put into operation in April 2028.

Zhangye Pumped Storage Power Station in Gansu Province is a national key construction project of the 14th Five-Year Plan, located at the border of Ganzhou District and Sunan County, Zhangye City, with a total investment of 9.57 billion yuan, an installed capacity of 1.4 million kilowatts, and a total construction period of 67 months. The project plans to put the first unit into operation in April 2028, and all units into operation in January 2029.

03 Hubei Changyang Qingjiang Pumped storage Power Station

In May, the ventilation and safety tunnel of Hubei Changyang Qingjiang Pumped Storage Power Station of the Three Gorges Group was successfully completed. Changyang Qingjiang pumped storage Power Station is the national "14th Five-Year Plan" key implementation project, with a total investment of 8.869 billion yuan, the designed installed capacity of the power station is 1.2 million kilowatts, after the project is completed and put into operation, it is expected to generate 1.23 billion KWH of electricity annually, and it is expected that the first unit will be put into operation in 2029, and all will be put into operation in 2030.

04 Zhejiang Songyang pumped storage power Station

In May, the traffic tunnel of Songyang pumped storage power Station in Zhejiang Province was completed. Songyang pumped storage power station project is located in Zhuyuan Township and Yuyan Town. The total installed capacity of the project is 1.4 million kilowatts, and it is planned to install 4 reversible pump turbine generating units of 350 thousand kilowatts. The total investment is 8.82 billion yuan, the designed annual generating capacity is 1.4 billion KWH, and the total project duration is 66 months. After the completion of the power station, it mainly undertakes the tasks of energy storage, peak load balancing, valley filling, frequency modulation, phase modulation and emergency backup for Zhejiang power grid.

05 Pingtanyuan pumped storage Power Station, Luotian, Hubei Province

In May, Hubei Luotian Pingyuan pumped storage Power Station entered the plant traffic tunnel through the whole line. The total investment of the project is 9.408 billion yuan, with an installed capacity of 1.4 million kilowatts. The planned construction period is 6 years. It is expected that the first unit will be connected to the grid in 2027, and all the units will be completed and put into operation in 2028. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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