China and Thailand visa-free Full Moon, tourism industry 'busy'
Seetao 2024-04-08 09:36
  • It has facilitated exchanges between the two peoples and promoted the prosperity and development of tourism
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On April 1, 2024, the China-Thailand visa Exemption Agreement entered into force. The reporter visited Thailand and observed that since March 1, as the two countries entered a new era of visa-free travel, the popularity of Chinese tourists to Thailand has been heating up, injecting new vitality and vitality into Thailand's tourism industry.

On March 29, 2024, the reporter saw at the pier of the coastal city of Pattaya that Wang Xiaomei, the leader of the Happiness Tour of China Youth Travel Service in Sichuan Province, was taking a tour group of more than 20 people to sea. A panda mascot was hanging on the group flag, which was particularly eye-catching from a distance.

Wang Xiaomei has been in the travel industry for 15 years. Since March this year, she has been working at full capacity almost every day. Wang Xiaomei told reporters in a hoarse voice: "Before we took about two groups a month from Chengdu to Thailand, now a month to take five groups, the company's business all leaders are very full."


Wang Xiaomei said that the implementation of visa exemption between China and Thailand has greatly facilitated the exchanges between the two peoples. "Mutual visa exemption eliminates the preparation time for visas, customs entry is smoother, time and economic costs are reduced, and travel on demand is possible."

Instead of a group tour, Zhang, from Chaozhou, Guangdong province, and her friends chose to travel independently. "It was a great experience to visit Thailand. We felt the hospitality of the Thai people and the convenience of visa-free travel." "Ms. Zhang said.

Tourism is a pillar industry in Thailand, where there are unique tropical customs and colorful culture. Since the China-Thailand visa exemption agreement came into effect on March 1 this year, both in the capital Bangkok and in Phuket and other places, there has been a significant increase in Chinese tourists.

"The number of Chinese tourists to Thailand is about 3.5 million in 2023 and is expected to roughly double to 6 million to 8 million this year," said Adi Chayradanon, secretary general of the Thailand Tourism Association.

According to data from the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Thailand, as of March 31, Thailand has received more than 9.37 million foreign tourists this year, creating a revenue of about 454.7 billion baht ($1 is about 36.4 baht), of which more than 1.75 million Chinese tourists, ranking first.

Favorable policies bring "two-way rush". Visa exemption between China and Thailand has also increased the enthusiasm of Thai tourists to travel to China, and Chinese tourism products such as cultural Tours and folk Tours are attracting more and more Thai tourists.

"The entry into force of the China-Thailand visa waiver agreement not only highlights the enhancement of trust between the two sides, but also promotes exchanges and interactions between the two peoples, especially the recovery and development of tourism." Adi said that in the future, Thailand will focus on restoring and developing the tourism industry chain, upgrading the tourism service standards, improving the environmental governance of scenic spots, developing more scenic spots and routes, continuing to attract and serve Chinese tourists, and promoting the development of Thailand's tourism industry. Editor/Wang Tian


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